Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams

American Photographer, 1902 - 1984

Ansel Adams - Oak Tree, Sunrise
Oak Tree, Sunrise
by Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was one of the 20th century's great nature photographers. Through his camera and outspoken conservation efforts, Ansel Adams brought the plight of national parks to the consciousness of the U.S.

From 1944 through 1958, Adams won three Guggenheim grants to photograph the national parks. Along with Edward Weston, Ansel Adams founded the f/64 group and developed zone exposure to get maximum tonal range from black-and-white film.

Ansel Adams - Fiat Lux
Trilogy III
by Ansel Adams

From the moment Ansel Adams discovered the beauty of the wilderness as a young boy, he dedicated his life to exploring, photographing, and preserving Yosemite Valley, the High Sierra and the vanishing beauty of the American western frontier. His most passionate and inspiring photographs are of the land he loved and strived to protect.

Thunderheads by Ansel Adams
by Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams' art and his urgent concern was to preserve the wilderness for a future held "in a delicate and precarious grasp." The grandeur and subtlety of his photographs communicate in a voice that is both intimate and profound Adams' summons to share and protect the beauty of the natural world.

From Maine to the remote peaks of Alaska, Ansel Adams' photographs captured the elusive subtleties of light and atmosphere and preserved the moment of witnessing an unspoiled wilderness for everyone.

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More photos by Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams - Birds on a Beach

Birds on a Beach

by Ansel Adams

Palm Grove by Ansel Adams

Palm Grove

by Ansel Adams


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